Our Services
Providing for Survivors
If you're like most people, you don't like to think about the financial impact your death could have on the people who depend on you. But making provisions for your spouse, children, business associates, and anyone else, who would be affected by our premature death, is important. Fortunately, it can also be both easy and affordable. We look at your whole financial picture - including any life insurance, investments*, pension benefits you may have - and, using our collective experience, make recommendations that will help ensure the financial security of the people who are important to you.
Capital Accumulation Strategies*
Whether you're saving for a home, preparing for your own retirement or building an estate to leave to heirs, proper investment planning requires a long-term investment strategy, a commitment to seeing that strategy through, and a clear understanding of your tolerance for risk. In short, you need a plan - one that's consistent with your investment objectives, time horizon, and comfort level. We can help you design - and implement - an investment strategy that will help you pursue your personal financial goals. We recognize the commitment and responsibility which we undertake when we provide investment advice. That's why we begin by assessing and analyzing your current position and listening attentively to your needs and concerns. Then, drawing upon our experience and the resources available to us, we will not only put together an investment strategy designed exclusively for you, we will also handle all aspects of managing your funds to your specifications. Utilizing various investment vehicles, we can help you pursue a wide range of financial objectives.*
Estate Planning Strategies
Many people do a great job meeting their lifetime financial goals and objectives, only to find they've left their biggest financial questions unanswered. Questions like: who will inherit my estate, and when? How will my heirs pay estate taxes and other final expenses? With proper planning today, you can help ensure that your heirs will have sufficient liquidity to settle your estate in a timely and affordable manner. Working with your other legal and financial advisers, we will show you how to take advantage of trusts, charitable giving strategies, and other sophisticated techniques that can help you reduce the amount of taxes your estate will owe, and expedite the distribution of your assets to your heirs.
We have access to trust services through a number of fine trust company organizations.
Business Planning
You've built a successful business and you'd like to see it continue well into the future. But what happens if you die prematurely, become disabled, or simply decide it's time to retire? With programs such as buy-sell agreements, key person life insurance, executive bonus, and business succession plans, we can help protect your business today, and ensure its viability tomorrow. Utilizing life insurance and other financial products, we can also help you set up a business continuation plan that will allow for a smooth and orderly transition of the business to another family member, the next generation, or to your associates. We can also help you attract, motivate and reward key employees - including yourself - with state-of-the-art pension and profit sharing plans.
Other Business Planning Services include:
- Disability Insurance and key person protection
- Executive fringe benefit planning
- Deferred compensation plan design
- Corporate estate planning strategies
- Buy/sell agreements
- Split dollar plan design
Investment Services*
We recognize the commitment and responsibility which we undertake when providing investment advice. By listening closely to your needs, we deliver high quality investment services that correspond to your objectives. A wide range of investment objectives can be pursued through the use of various investment products offered by Equity Services, Inc., a Broker/Dealer and Registered Investment Adviser .*Securities and Investment Advisory Services offered solely through Registered Representatives and Investment Adviser Representatives of Equity Services, Inc., One National Life Drive, Montpelier VT 05604, 800-344-7437.